Loose Dentures Might Be Related to Oral Atrophy

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Your natural teeth once had an integral relationship with the bone structure of your mouth. The daily act of biting, chewing, and grinding actively stimulated the bone tissues to maintain their structural integrity.

When your compromised teeth were extracting in the process of replacing them with removable dentures, this relationship became disassociated. This causes your body to gradually reabsorb some of the bone tissues, changing the structure of your mouth.

This process, which is known as oral atrophy, is even more likely to be an issue if you struggled with chronic periodontal disease in the past.

As it continues to occur, it can cause your denture to feel increasingly loose in your mouth. Early on, applying a little denture adhesive when you put your dentures in your mouth. This might help hold your dentures firmly to your gum structure while also helping to prevent stray food particles from infiltrating the base of your dentures.

When shopping for denture adhesive make sure to look for a brand that has earned the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance. It indicates that the specific product has researched and tested for safe oral use.

If you are in the Durham, North Carolina, area and your dentures are starting to feel loose, you should call 919-489-9171 to schedule a consultation appointment at H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS.