Causes of Tooth Sensitivity and How to Get Relief

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If you’ve been suffering with tooth sensitivity, you don’t need to suffer any longer. Read today’s blog about the causes of tooth sensitivity and what you can about getting relief.

There are a few easy-detectable reasons why your teeth are sensitive, including:

– Damage or breakage in the enamel, caused from tooth decay, fractured tooth structure, and even worn-away enamel or fillings
– Periodontal or gum disease may also cause sensitivity, since receding gums expose the tooth’s root, and if left untreated, can result in plaque and tartar
– Tooth sensitivity can also be the result of genetics or trauma, such as having a lot of dental work done

Once our dentists, Dr. Macon Sapp & Dr. Baxter Sapp Jr., discover the reason behind your tooth sensitivity, he can determine the appropriate treatment plan and get you relief, even eliminating the tooth sensitivity, naturally, over time. You can do things at home and at H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS. When you visit us, we can send you home with a prescription from the dentist that may contain high levels of sodium fluoride you can use while brushing. You can also purchase toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Using these at-home remedies help put a protective film on your enamel, which will help protect the dentin, helping diminish your sensitivity in the long run.

We also have treatments in our office, such as fluoride that the dentist can apply to help sea microscopic openings in your dentin called tubules. We may also use other chemicals that form crystals in these tubules, which helps seal off the area and reduce sensitivity. If these remedies fail to work, we may suggest cleaning out the roots of your tooth with a root canal, which should get rid of the sensitivity. Visit our office or call us at 919-489-9171 for an appointment about tooth sensitivity in Durham, North Carolina.