Tips for Applying Oral Trauma First-Aid

A blow to the mouth may significantly damage your oral tissues and teeth. In such a scenario, you might need to administer some basic first-aid while waiting for emergency care from one of our caring dentists, Dr. Macon Sapp or Dr. Baxter Sapp. If you have dried blood on your lip, chin, or some other part of your face you can... read more »

Severe Dental Attrition Might Require a Dental Crown Restoration

As the years go by minor deviations can develop in the alignment of your teeth. This can cause the biting edge of one tooth to wear on the lingual surface of another. This can gradually start to affect the structural integrity of the localized tooth enamel. It might also cause bacterial deposits to accumulate on the compromised surface. This could... read more »

Gum Disease Risk Factors

Gum disease, which could perhaps be the most common dental disease we see, affects about half of the total number of adults in the United States. While a big part of what causes gum disease comes down to which food choices we make, there are also numerous risk factors you should be mindful of. Here are a few of them... read more »

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity and How to Get Relief

If you’ve been suffering with tooth sensitivity, you don’t need to suffer any longer. Read today’s blog about the causes of tooth sensitivity and what you can about getting relief. There are a few easy-detectable reasons why your teeth are sensitive, including: - Damage or breakage in the enamel, caused from tooth decay, fractured tooth structure, and even worn-away enamel... read more »

Fill a Large Gap in Your Smile with an Implant-Supported Dental Bridge

Tooth decay that goes untreated will spread to surrounding teeth and eventually result in the loss of multiple teeth. An implant-supported dental bridge can effectively fill large gaps in your smile and restore the full function of your mouth. The first step will be to gauge the structural integrity of your smile, and we may need to perform functions such... read more »

The Tooth-Healthy Foods You Should Eat on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a great time to eat delicious food and spend time with loved ones. Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, Thanksgiving isn’t the greatest time for the smile. In fact, there tooth-harming foods that can hurt your teeth and even affect your oral health. The good news is that if you avoid the tooth-harming foods and eat more of the... read more »

What Should I Know About Dry Mouth?

Xerostomia is a dental condition impacting the saliva levels of the oral cavity, leaving the mouth with a dry feeling that can cause destruction to the pearly whites. With a little bit of help from our staff, you can manage xerostomia; here are a few things that you should understand. Many people believe that having a dry mouth is of... read more »

Dentistry Has Come a Long Way

One of earliest discoveries in dentistry was when archeologists discovered a 14,000-year-old ancient tooth that contained remnants of a dental cleaning with flint tools due to an infection. With this finding, it led scientists to believe that the dental profession may be much older than we originally thought. As of today, the first written text we have that mentions dentistry... read more »

Dental Bridges: The Perfect Tooth Replacement

If you have missing teeth, you’ll want to replace them as soon as possible. Not only does a missing tooth interfere with eating and speaking and aesthetics right now, but if you wait to replace it, the gap will be the perfect place for bacteria to grow, causing long-term tooth decay. Your teeth may even shift, causing misalignment issues in... read more »

Loose Dentures Might Be Related to Oral Atrophy

Your natural teeth once had an integral relationship with the bone structure of your mouth. The daily act of biting, chewing, and grinding actively stimulated the bone tissues to maintain their structural integrity. When your compromised teeth were extracting in the process of replacing them with removable dentures, this relationship became disassociated. This causes your body to gradually reabsorb some... read more »