Replace an Extracted Tooth with Dental Implants

If you’ve had a tooth extracted in the past, whether it was due to severe tooth decay, gum disease or an oral injury, you might be interested in exploring your restoration options. One of the most effective options your dentist, Dr. Macon Sapp, recommends for completely replacing an extracted tooth is to have a dental implant installed. The process of... read more »

A Cracked Tooth Is a Serious Dental Emergency

Your tooth enamel is very hard and durable. More durable in fact that your bones. Unfortunately, there are still times when an accidental hard fall, a blow to the face can impart enough force to crack tooth enamel. In some cases, the crack can be so severe that it damages the critical interior structures of the tooth. The most common... read more »

A Missing Filling Might Need to Be Restored by a Crown

Small and medium cavities can often be repaired with a basic filling made from gold, amalgam, porcelain, or composite resin. As time goes on, it’s not uncommon for the natural bacteria in your mouth to start to exploit the cement anchoring a filling in the remaining tooth enamel. As a general rule of thumb, large and old fillings are more... read more »

A Bridge Just Far Enough

Life with a missing tooth can be uncomfortable. Chewing can be difficult, speaking can be inconvenient, and smiling can be, well, embarrassing. Discomfort notwithstanding, some people are hesitant to seek treatment, especially if their tooth has been missing for a while. They may feel used to it, and worry that treatment will be more painful than beneficial. Understanding how bridges... read more »

Are Sensitive Teeth Hiding Your Smile?

If you experience a brief, sharp burst of pain when you consume hot, cold, acidic or sticky food, you may have tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity happens when the layer of dentin which lies beneath the enamel and has microscopic tubules filled with nerve endings that are sensitive to pain—may be expose. Dentin becomes exposed when the tooth enamel—which is the... read more »

When Should You Brush?

You know that you should brush your teeth every day, but do you know when the best time to brush is? Or how often you should brush? Similarly, do you ever wonder if you should brush or floss first? Today, our team at H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS is happy to address questions like these. For instance, most dentists suggest that... read more »

Guard Your Mouth From Contact Sports

Athletic activities and contact sports increases the risk of cracked, fractured or knocked out teeth. The ADA estimates that cost to replace or repair these teeth is estimated at nearly $500 million annually. In many cases these injuries could have been prevented by wearing a mouth guard. In the past many schools and athletic associations saw mouth guards as optional.... read more »

Caring for a Custom-Fitted Mouth Guard

The American Dental Association recommends that athletes participating in contact sports be fitted for a custom mouth guard. Many athletes find that off-the-shelf mouth guards are uncomfortable. This is even more common for athletes with braces. As a result, they tend to wear them less often or they might not use one at all. This tends to encourage athletes and... read more »

Planning for Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

Planning for your child’s first dental appointment can be a little tricky because you aren’t sure what to expect. Well, we are here to help you! When you bring your child into our office, you can expect the following: • A welcoming dental team: Your child’s first visit is a great chance for our dental team to meet your child... read more »