Symptoms of Enamel Erosion Can Be Countered by the Effects of Fluoride

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Every day the natural processes of the bacteria in your mouth, as well as the acidic foods and beverages you enjoy, can cause a microscopic erosion of the minerals in your tooth enamel. As this happens it can create microscopic channels through the enamel layer to the sensitive dentin layer inside each one of your teeth.

Fortunately, exposing your teeth to the presence of fluoride helps to restore the microscopic minerals in your tooth enamel. This essentially fills in the microscopic channels reversing enamel erosion while helping to prevent future tooth decay and sensitivity issues.

If you’ve had issues with sensitivity and tooth decay related to insufficient fluoride, your dentist at H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS might recommend administering a fluoride treatment or the daily use of prescription fluoride supplements.

The fluoride treatment is quick and can be performed at the end of your regular dental checkup. H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS’s staff will pour a concentrated enamel gel into a tray that is inserted into your mouth and held there for a few minutes. Afterward, you should avoid eating or drinking anything for at least a half hour to allow the fluoride to saturate your teeth.

Taking fluoride supplements and brushing your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste can also help to strengthen your tooth enamel. You might want to also consider making changes to your diet to reduce or cut out acidic foods and beverages.

If you are concerned about enamel erosion, you should call H.T. Macon Sapp, DDS’s Durham, North Carolina clinic to explore your fluoride treatment options.